Employers - Jobs for mums

NZ's #1 Job Site
for Fast, Flexible, Skilled Talent

Unlock New Zealand’s largest hidden skilled workforce.

million yearly views
of employers would recommend Jobs for Mums
0 %
of candidates have
10+ years of experience
0 %
of candidates hold a tertiary degree or higher
0 %

How it works

Sign up quickly and easily

Join our great community of equal opportunity employers!

Create your job listing

Upload your job listing and enter some key information.

Select a plan that's right for you

Listing with us is affordable and good for business.

Hire the perfect candidate

Search our database of local, ready-to-go candidates

Pricing Plans

We are the cost-effective recruitment method.

Standard Listing

Ideal for small businesses 🤝

$99 NZD

(excl. GST)

  • 30-day job listing
  • Job listing emailed to candidates
  • JFM customer support

Premium Listing

Jump to the front of the queue! Faster, smarter hiring 🚀

$129 NZD

(excl. GST)

  • Feature in premium spot in search results
  • 30-day job listing
  • Job listing emailed to candidates
  • JFM Customer Support

Fixed Fee Recruitment

Full-service recruitment Service ✨

$2k starting

(per hire)

  • All Enhanced features
  • account Manager
  • Candidate screening
  • Cognitive & psychometric testing at request
  • Featured marketing
  • Payment on successful hire

On Demand

Flexible, skilled talent when and where you need it ⚡

Pay per hour

(no upfront cost)

  • No recruitment fees
  • Pre-vetted, local professionals
  • Available for part-time, full-time, or project-based work
  • Fast turnaround—get matched with candidates within days
  • Access highly skilled experts without the overhead of traditional hiring

Need more than hiring?
Explore our Partnerships – Unlock Exclusive Benefits

We partner with forward-thinking businesses to create new employment pathways and build diverse, inclusive workplaces.

unlimited job listings

Enhance Your Employer Brand

diversify your pipeline

Marketing & PR Exposure


Variety of partnerships available

Why Jobs for Mums

Jobs for Mums is an award-recognized job site connecting businesses with skilled candidates across New Zealand.

Fast results, local, high-quality recruits

Find local, highly skilled, work-ready jobseekers quickly and easily.

Untapped potential ​

Access the largest untapped reservoir of talent in New Zealand.

Flexible Hiring Options

Hire for part-time, school hours, or remote roles with ease

Listing with us is affordable

We are cost effecting offering a variety of listing options suitable for all budgets.

Future proof your business

Ethical and sustainable work practices are essential for your long-term success.

Diversity recruitment as a business advantage

Diverse companies outperform non-diverse companies, according to research.

We're trusted by employers of all sizes


In the Media

Meet Our Partners

We partner with organisations and communities that share our vision for a future where everyone has the opportunity to find a job they love. Our partnerships allow us to amplify our values and give companies and job-seekers a head start towards growth.

Become a partner of Jobs For Mums! Join our village of supporters! We partner with other charities or organisations that share our vision to make a difference.

What employers are saying about us

Frequently Asked Questions

Jobs for mums is a local job marketplace. We connect parents and caregivers with employers offering flexible work.

We are New Zealand-wide and are a cost-effective recruitment tool.

👩‍💻 NZ’s largest mum job marketplace 

📈 Highly engaged and qualified Jobs Seekers

🌎 Geography: NZ wide from Cape Reinga to Bluff

🏢 Trusted by many others including Hamilton City CouncilWomen’s RefugeGlobal WomenBest StartOceania Healthcare and NZ’s largest recruitment companies 

👍 Good for Corporate Social Responsibility

💳 Secure payments with Stripe

⛔ No hidden costs

👋 Easy to use system built with candidate management 

❤️ FREE for Non-profits with code FREEFORCHARITY

💡Offering a win-win for businesses, families and Aotearoa

Jobs for Mums is a platform for you to advertise your job vacancies. Here is how;

Step 1: Sign up

Step 2: Select your plan

Step 3: Post our job

As a social enterprise, we keep our costs affordable.

Prices are:

$129 for a standard listing

$169 for a premium listing

We also offer bulk listing packages for those looking to advertise multiple roles with us.

We do not charge a hiring fee as we are not a recruitment company. We are a job board. 

A regular listing with us includes the following;

  • 1x job advert
  • 30 days listing on our platform
  • Sharing on our social media channels
For more information, please download our rate cad above.

Flexibility is a great talent management Jobs for Mums attract highly
skilled Job seekers who are looking for family-friendly work. A large %
of our job seekers have over 10 years of industry experience and
have a tertiary degree or higher. We cover over 30 industries. 

You can list a variety of roles with us across 36 industries.

  • Part-time
  • School Hours
  • Work from Home
  • Flexible Full-Time
  • Freelance
  • Contract
  • Franchise
  • Any role with additional benefits such as additional leave, childcare support, and more

When you book with us you automatically receive a confirmation email along with an invoice.

All our bookings are managed via stripe for maximum security and convenience.

Typically, payment is made before adverts are live on our site. However, for large projects, we are able to invoice as well.

We are able to provide bespoke plans if you are recruiting for multiple roles over and above our recruiter package.

We might even be able to take care of the onboarding.

Emails us [email protected] Phone us: 0508 562746

Our goal is to offer a win-win for both employees and caregivers. In that instance, we are happy to extend your listing for another 30 days to help you find the best candidate for the position, or provide a credit for you to use at another time.

There are no set criteria for listing with Jobs for Mums as we believe there are many ways to be family-friendly. 

However, the roles that are most sought after for our demographic often have  elements of autonomy and flexibility.

At Jobs for Mums, we believe in the advantages of a diverse and
inclusive workforce. Our diverse pool of job seekers include mums
and dads returning to work, individuals with disabilities, Māori and
Pacific people, refugees and migrants, mature-age job seekers,
mature students, career changers, and those who identify as

Ready to expand your workforce?

We work with employers of all sizes looking to hire amazing people.